HORI will release the “Wireless Horipad TURBO for Nintendo Switch” in September, priced at 6,980 yen in Japan.
This product is a wireless controller equipped with rapid fire and gyro functions, featuring durable sticks. It is compatible with Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch (OLED model), and Nintendo Switch Lite.
1 Automated Button Rapid Fire
It incorporates the “Rapid Fire/Rapid Fire Hold Function” which automatically enables rapid, consecutive button inputs without the need to continuously press the button.
2 Rapid Fire/Rapid Fire Hold Function
The rapid fire feature allows for continuous input of commands while holding down the button.
3 Gyro Functionality Included
Intuitive in-game actions like camera control can be achieved by tilting the controller thanks to the gyro functionality.
4 Durable Sticks
The L-stick and R-stick feature components with high durability, ensuring prolonged use.
Licensed by Nintendo
This product is unavailable outside of Japan at this time.
Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch
© HORI © Nintendo
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