Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch Debut

Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch

HORI will release the “Wireless Horipad TURBO for Nintendo Switch” in September, priced at 6,980 yen in Japan.

This product is a wireless controller equipped with rapid fire and gyro functions, featuring durable sticks. It is compatible with Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch (OLED model), and Nintendo Switch Lite.

1 Automated Button Rapid Fire

Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch

It incorporates the “Rapid Fire/Rapid Fire Hold Function” which automatically enables rapid, consecutive button inputs without the need to continuously press the button.


2 Rapid Fire/Rapid Fire Hold Function

Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch

The rapid fire feature allows for continuous input of commands while holding down the button.


3 Gyro Functionality Included

Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch

Intuitive in-game actions like camera control can be achieved by tilting the controller thanks to the gyro functionality.


4 Durable Sticks

Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch

The L-stick and R-stick feature components with high durability, ensuring prolonged use.


Licensed by Nintendo

Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch


This product is unavailable outside of Japan at this time.


Wireless HORIPAD TURBO for Nintendo Switch

© HORI © Nintendo