The movie “Crayon Shin-chan: Our Dinosaur Diary” is scheduled to be released on August 9, 2024, as the 31st installment in the series. In this latest installment, the rampage of dinosaurs in Kasukabe and Tokyo is depicted, and its dynamic scenes have been unveiled to the public through the latest trailer titled “Dinosaur Fever!!”
This new installment of “Crayon Shin-chan: Our Dinosaur Diary” tells the story of dinosaurs resurrected in the modern era causing havoc in Kasukabe and Tokyo, while Shin and the Kasukabe Defense Corps build a friendship with a small dinosaur. The latest trailer showcases Shin and his friends enjoying themselves at the modern dinosaur theme park called “Dinoz Island.” However, an unexpected incident occurs as dinosaurs escape from the theme park, leading to the anticipation of an unpredictable tragedy where the Nohara family is crushed by a gigantic dinosaur.
It’s worth noting that advance tickets with special bonuses for this film will be available for purchase at theaters nationwide starting from March 1st in Japan. The theater-exclusive pre-purchase bonus includes a “Dinosaur Shin-chan Capsule Charm” featuring designs of Shin and Shiro dressed as dinosaurs. The charm has a unique feature where, when tilted, the figures of Shin and Shiro inside rotate.
Crayon Shin-chan: Our Dinosaur Diary
(C) Yoshito Usui / Futabasha, Shin-Ei, TV Asahi, ADK 2024