Tomica has announced the release of the fifth installment in their collaboration series with Studio Ghibli, the ‘Dream Tomica Ghibli Collection.’ The highly anticipated addition to this collection is the ‘No-Face’ from ‘Spirited Away.’ This special edition Tomica is set to hit the shelves in mid-January 2024.
In the new product, ‘Dream Tomica Ghibli Collection 10 Spirited Away No-Face,’ the iconic image of No-Face riding a wooden tub is skillfully captured in the distinct style of Tomica. The design, with the lower part of No-Face’s body slightly transparent, faithfully recreates the atmosphere of the movie, emphasizing the unique essence of No-Face.
The tub is crafted from die-cast material, providing a substantial feel, and features clear tires on the bottom, creating a sense of fluidity reminiscent of water. Additionally, the clear tires allow for an enjoyable hands-on experience, as the Tomica can be rolled manually.
Priced at 1,320 yen (including tax), the ‘Dream Tomica Ghibli Collection 10 Spirited Away No-Face’ is scheduled for release in mid-January 2024.
(C)Studio Ghibli / (C)TAKARA TOMY
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