Tokyo Skytree will host its first collaboration event with the TV anime “Pokémon” from June 25 to September 24, 2024 in Japan, titled “Pokémon and Blue Sky Skytree (R) Shining Memories with You”.
The event will be centered around the 450-meter high Tembo Galleria and will feature displays decorated with key visuals from the “Pokémon” anime, as well as photo spots where visitors can take pictures with the characters. Additionally, limited-edition event merchandise and café menus will be available for purchase.
Furthermore, special content exclusive to this event includes screenings of special videos on the giant window screen of the 350-meter high Tembo Deck’s “SKYTREE ROUND THEATER (R)”, a photo service where visitors can take composite photos with Pokémon, and special lighting inspired by various Pokémon. For the first time, there will also be a Captain Pikachu greeting event.
June 25, 2024 – September 24, 2024
Tokyo Skytree Tembo Deck, Tembo Galleria, 1st Floor
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©Nintendo・Creatures・GAME FREAK・TV Tokyo・ShoPro・JR Kikaku